PREMARK is a company providing services concerning
Industrial and Intellectual Property, both at domestic and international level, with customers all over the world.
Its client list, with files in all types of Industrial Property
dates back to 1927.
Our profesional bureau performs directly before the Spanish Patent and Trademark Office (
OEPM) in Madrid, the Office for the Harmonization in the Internal Market (
OAMI) in Alicante, the World Intellectual Property Organization (
OMPI) in Geneva and the European Patent Office (
EPO) in Munich.
Official Agents of Industrial Property, Attorneys, Engineers and Chemisters perform in our Company, as well as members of the Official Association of Industrial Property Agents (
COAPI), the International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property (
AIPPI) and the Association of Spanish Agents before International Industrial and Intellectual Property Organizations (
AGESORPI), among others.
The services provided are consulting, search and application of
Patents and Trademarks, as well as any kind of industrial property; consulting, deposit and protection of Intellectual Property Rights (
Copyright); consulting on any kind of issue regarding the internet, including the register of any type of domain and the mediation in the sale of Patents, Trademarks and any other kind of industrial or intellectual property.
Furthermore, our company deals with issues related to transfer of technology, protection of biotechnology, software and new technologies, licenses, contracts, franchising, merchandising, sponsoring, image rights, ..., offering consulting services and acting before
Justice Courts in any kind of litigation on any type of right, as well as in cases of unfair competition, advertising, internet, image rights, audiovisual works and computing.